How did Kathy's relationship with Jesus grow? He called and equipped her to live on mission in her daily life.

By: Kathy - Flemington, New Jersey

Read Part 1 of Kathy’s Story.

I was invited to represent my parish two years ago at the ChristLife National Conference. I loved every minute of it and met so many wonderful people. For me, the greatest gift was listening to Dianne Davis speak about evangelization. At the closing conference Mass, they asked anyone to stand that felt "called to evangelize" so they could be sent off in prayer from the community. I stood up. In that moment I prayed to God that if He were to put people in my path, I would invite them to ChristLife.

A couple of days later, I went out for a drink with some girlfriends. We were gathered at a round table and one woman started to tell us about her father’s recent funeral Mass where the priest simply shared, “God is love.” She went on to say that her parish priest didn’t preach that way and she was growing disillusioned by her church. Next to her, my very good friend said she didn’t want to go to church any longer and her husband was getting mad at her for it. Then someone else shared how she felt terrible because she never raised her children with any religion and, because of it, they didn’t know how to grieve when there was a death in the family. Finally, a younger woman shared that she was feeling called to Church because she was a confirmation sponsor.

I could not believe how all of this was playing out in front of me. I took a deep breath, shared my story, and invited each of them to Discovering Christ. I wasn’t sure how my invitation was received, but I received an email the next day from one of the women. She and her husband ended up attending Discovering Christ. The next year, two others from that night joined me.

This was just the beginning for me.

I invited people when I saw them in Shoprite, at Mass, in my health club, or at parties. I began to find it so easy to discuss my faith and what it had done for me. I find it so interesting how many people want to talk about faith. So many are hungry.

I started off by facilitating a Discovering Christ small group and I now serve on the core team by coordinating our facilitators. I also host a small faith group comprised of my first ChristLife small group members. Working with ministry leaders from many churches, our community is collaborating on ideas for evangelization and how to grow as disciples.

God has called me. He was patiently waiting for me. And ChristLife gave me the tools to be successful. ChristLife showed me how to pray, encouraged me to read scripture, and brought me to a place of peace by teaching me how to forgive. I am so grateful.

ChristLife also gave me the courage to spread the Good News.

The blessings that have been bestowed on me are amazing. My marriage is stronger than ever. My children are doing well in college and happier than they have ever been. I am closer with all of my friends and have so many new ones. My job is going well and my diabetes is completely under control. I even invited my Endocrinologist to Discovering Christ at my last doctor’s appointment!

God is so good to me!

Has the Lord worked in your life through ChristLife? We would love to hear your story! Contact us.

*Kathy's testimony was edited for the blog.