Home Your browser does not support the video tag. Watch Jesus light a fire in people’s lives. The ChristLife process invites people to know Jesus, live as Catholic disciples, and share their faith with others. Get StartedYOU ARE CALLED Share the Joy of Being Catholic At the heart of our Catholic faith is the person of Jesus Christ. You love Him and you want others to know Him, too. Be encouraged. You can share the Gospel! HERE’S THE WAY Bring ChristLife to Your Community ChristLife is a three-step process to make missionary disciples in your parish: Discovering Christ, Following Christ, and Sharing Christ. Guests meet over a meal, pray, watch our inspiring videos, and share thoughts in small groups. As the weeks advance, you’ll see the Lord changing lives! Get Started HOW IT WORKSYour Path to Make Disciples Gather Your Team We’ll help you cast vision and invite people to join you on this mission! Experience the Process You provide the setting, we provide the talks. Make New Disciples Now they love the Lord and want to share him with others! Get Started IT STARTS WITH YOU Get Trained to Run the Courses The better you’re prepared, the better you’ll evangelize your parish. A conference with our team equips you to run ChristLife successfully. Come to our next event! We come to parishes too. Attend a Training JOIN 1,400 PARISHES MAKING DISCIPLES THROUGH CHRISTLIFE.Get the All Access Pass Run the courses with this complete resource kit. Parish budget friendly Easy access to all course videos Comprehensive training content Start-to-finish ‘how to’ guides Customizable bulletin inserts and fliers Active contact with our ChristLife team Get Started “Beautiful website with many resources and tools to help me and my parish grow closer to Christ!” – Paul, Greensburg, PA Encounter Jesus Christ "In two different parishes I have seen ChristLife ‘equip the holy ones for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ’ (Eph 4:12). ChristLife helps men and women to encounter Jesus Christ, deepen their relationship with Him, and form deeper community. It gives them the confidence and clarity to lead others to Him. As a pastor, I highly recommend ChristLife for use in your parish." Fr. Liam O’Doherty, OSA The fruits have been tremendous "We’ve been running ChristLife at my parish for over five years and the fruits have been tremendous: people converting to the Catholic faith, ordinary Catholics embracing the call to holiness and evangelization, and a greater sense of belonging in our parish family." Jim Roche Ijamsville, Maryland ChristLife is transforming our core parishioners "They know, love, and live their faith in ways that attract others. ChristLife also appeals to prospective parishioners who sense we have something they long for, a life filled with meaning, purpose, and love." Fr. James Dvorscak Wheaton, Illinois View More Testimonials INTERESTED?Let’s Answer Your QuestionsWhat is ChristLife? ChristLife is a three-step relational evangelization process. It consists of three courses: Discovering Christ, Following Christ, and Sharing Christ. Parishes around the United States and beyond have been using it since 2009 to evangelize and form missionary disciples. Who is ChristLife for? Anyone and everyone, Catholic or non-Catholic, who is wondering about the meaning of their life, seeking a personal relationship with Christ, and/or wants to grow as a disciple of the Lord. Will ChristLife help our parish evangelize inactive Catholics and the unbaptized? Yes! It all begins with equipping faithful parishioners with the vision and tools to reach out and personally invite the nominal, inactive, and unevangelized to Discovering Christ. My parish wants to begin using ChristLife. How do I get started? The best way to get started with ChristLife is by attending a training conference. But there are a few practical first steps before that, which we outline on How to Run ChristLife. THIS MODEL MAKES DISCIPLESJoin the ChristLife Movement1400PARISHES12COUNTRIES47STATES230KPARTICIPANTSGet Started There is More Do you feel like you have a grand-canyon-sized hole in your heart? Does it seem like you throw marbles in all day, trying to fill yourself up, but still feel empty? Only Christ can fill you, Come and see who He really is. Discover ChristAre you a course participant? Go here to re-watch any course videos or catch up if you missed a session! Watch NowInvite Others Into the Mission We walk you through the steps to identify giftings, recruit people, and build the team who will run ChristLife for your community. First Name(Required)Last NameEmail(Required) EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ START TODAY We’re Ready When You Are! Picture it: a person comes to know Jesus and embraces Him as the center of their life because of your “Yes”! That’s our Lord’s mission for you in the Church. ChristLife shows you the way. Get Started