by: Trinidad C., Nevada

My wife Marilu and I were invited to be part of a pilot ChristLife offering at our parish. I attended the training for the course and I was intrigued as I learned the Church’s teachings on evangelization. We eagerly attended Discovering and Following Christ with the intention of serving as leaders in the future.

But I received an unexpected surprise.

I have had many moments in my life where God has allowed me to know Him, from studying in the Seminary following a call, to formal studies of Holy Scriptures and Christology. Throughout my life I have also participated in various parish movements. But participating in Christ Life stirred up something special in me and my marriage that I wasn’t expecting. One of the most important things we learned is committing to daily personal prayer. In the past we were used to other people’s prayers and reflections. During Following Christ, we committed to establishing a daily personal prayer time. Reading scripture in this way has a special new meaning for us. We read many of the same Bible passages we have always read, but now they are speaking to us personally and how they pertain to our lives right now. We also started keeping a diary of our reflections. For me personally this was a huge change in my prayer life.

It’s not that my prayers lacked authenticity before, but now I am able to articulate anything I am personally going through in my life and hear God speak to me.

This is the starting point for our daily walk with the Lord.

Now as a married couple, the most important thing is for us to know how to listen to the Lord speak to us every day. Listening daily to the Word of God, which is unique, incomparable, has no limits and is personal is the most important thing in our lives. This has helped our spiritual health because now we know the true Christ who wants to transform us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We also know that as soon as we decide to follow Jesus, Satan immediately comes to rob us of the peace only God gives us. But we are a testimony that the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the miracle of the Eucharist are graces given to us to strengthen our journey.


Has ChristLife changed your life or the lives of those around you? When you share your testimony, you witness to how the Lord works in the world today. If you have an experience of the Lord you want to share, we want to hear it!
Please contact us to share your testimony.