When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary of Nazareth she would be the mother of Messiah, he greeted her with words that literally translate to:

"Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you!" (Luke 1:26ff)

Extraordinarily, the angel’s greeting was not the traditional Hebrew greeting, “Shalom aleichem, Peace be with you.” Rather, the angel used the Greek greeting, “Chaíre! Rejoice!” The word chaíre literally means rejoice!

With this greeting, the announcement of the angel begins the Good News of Jesus Messiah, the Son of God! The Good News that Jesus the Christ brings is that salvation is available for everyone, all peoples, all nations. Christ Jesus came so all who believe in him and receive him will not perish, but have eternal life! Everyone! You and me and everyone we know can receive this good news.

When we turn to Jesus, we receive forgiveness of sins, the love of God the Father, the power of the Holy Spirit to change our lives, and a place among God’s people!

This is the most wonderful news ever offered to humanity.

Like Mary, we rejoice and are filled with his Spirit for the Lord Jesus is with us. While Mary is distinct from us as the Virgin Mother of God, in Christ our Lord we also receive the word of God with rejoicing. We too can be filled with his grace, his Holy Spirit. Oh, how marvelous is the Good News of Jesus. We thank and praise you, Lord God.


If you haven't made a personal commitment of your life to Jesus as Lord or if you would like to renew that commitment, I invite you to enter the Christmas season by offering this prayer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Fill me with your Spirit, so that I may live a new life.
Help me to know you, to love you, and to serve you in this world,
so that I may be happy with you both now and for all eternity.
Thank you, Lord. Amen.