By: Jennifer King

Under the leadership of Fr. Mike Saporito, St. Helen’s Parish in Westfield, NJ has fruitfully run the ChristLife process for years touching many lives both inside and outside of their parish. For the second year in a row, they’ve developed a testimony video inviting people to come to Discovering Christ. At the core of this video is the authentic witness of changed lives.

"[Going into Discovering Christ] I had no hope that it would change my life. But I can honestly say it was the best thing I ever did. It changed my life."

"I was away from the Church for awhile. When I returned… I felt a strong need to get a deeper connection to my faith and my faith community and deepen my personal relationship [with God]. Discovering Christ did that for me."

"I have more of a personal relationship with the Lord now… Coming to Discovering Christ allowed me to reset myself."

"The difference it has made is that I can now see God in all things."

"[Discovering Christ] was the ‘aha’ moment where everything became crystal clear."

"I think I was in somewhat of a rut. Coming here has restarted me."

"Since doing this program I’ve been a lot more calm. It’s funny. Last week my sister asked me, 'How do you stay so calm in such a hectic environment. How do you do it?' I was like, 'I started going to Discovering Christ, that’s the only thing that has changed.'"