By: Deacon Bruce - Our Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Freeport, NY

Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport, New York is currently running their second offering of the ChristLife evangelization process. Deacon Bruce took a few moments to share how ChristLife is transforming their parish.

The first time Discovering Christ was offered 60 people attended and the results were absolutely amazing. In the parish, we saw an increase in Mass attendance, an increase in giving, and an increase in volunteers for various ministries. Many of the participants decided to become catechists. Some became Special Ministers of Holy Communion, and some Lectors and Choir members. Most importantly they all became a voice for Christ. Each of them encouraged many more people to take the course when we offered it for the second time. Because of their sharing, 75 people sign up for Discovering Christ.

This is the most effective tool for evangelization I have ever experienced. I have worked with several other evangelization courses, but none of them fully prepare you for the ministry that Christ calls us all too--spreading His message of love to those in need of His touch in their lives.

I have seen lives changed dramatically through ChristLife. I have seen the joy on faces as they shared how God had touched them and changed their lives. All because someone took the time to listen to the Voice of God and create a ministry that has effectively changed parishes all over the country.

Has your parish experienced transformation through using ChristLife? We'd love to hear about it! Please contact us.