It seems like when there are bad things going on in our lives, we pray more often. Then when things are going smoothly, we don't seem to need God as much. Why is that? We need God in our lives every single day to feel full. Having God in our lives diminishes loneliness and helps us feel loved.

My husband and I started seeing a counselor for some common marriage issues a few years ago. We paid $100.00 per session. It felt like all we did was bring up painful fights and we left feeling worse than when we went in. It was around the same time that Discovering Christ was being offered. I was so thirsty for help with my relationship that I thought I'd try it. I convinced my husband to take a rest from counseling and to attend the church sessions with me - for free! He was all over that! And we received a delicious dinner as well.

We spent seven weeks with wonderful people who we had never met who went to our very own parish. The retreat was unforgettable. My husband became a more loving person and our disagreements lessened. We never talked about 'us' in these sessions. By getting closer to God and being rejuvenated by His Spirit, he truly changed us.

There was a break of maybe 6-8 weeks before the Following Christ series started and things became rocky with us again. I asked my husband to attend the next series with me and he did. Within the first session, I could see our relationship strengthening again. It was truly amazing how having God more present in our lives really helped us; whereas a counselor could not.

I have been filled with peace, joy, and friendship through the ChristLife series. My life has been transformed in such a wonderful way. I do not feel lonely anymore. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity at our parish to attend such spiritually enriching events.

Anonymous ChristLife Series Participant Testimony