ChristLife partnered with the Archdiocese of Washington to present Discovering Christ training on January 16, 2016 at the Archdiocese’s Pastoral Center. Participants received training on the first part of the ChristLife evangelization processDiscovering Christ, and engaged in opportunities for spiritual renewal. Core teams from ten parishes attended, eager and ready to begin running Discovering Christ.

Lisa White began the training by explaining what Discovering Christ is and how discovering Jesus Christ in her own life transformed everything. Participants shared they were able to "foresee [Discovering Christ] as a way to help others encounter Jesus." The morning followed with practical presentations, including information on how to facilitate an evangelizing small group and how to run a fruitful course.

Participants had an opportunity to go through the first session of Discovering Christ, experience a small group discussion, and pray with one another. The opportunity to discuss content within the context of small groups proved helpful for many participants. The opportunity to network with other parishes in the area was also appreciated: "[It was] good to see others desiring to strengthen evangelization."

Bishop Barry Knestout provided a blessing prior to lunch. He encouraged all present in their work for the New Evangelization and offered thanksgiving for all they do to share the Good News throughout the Archdiocese.

In addition to learning more about Discovering Christ and how to implement it in their parish, participants also received spiritual renewal in the context of community. One participant shared, "[The day] encouraged me and inspired me to stretch beyond my current level. I received reassurance that I am not alone in my efforts and I was able to recommit to developing my own relationship with Jesus."

All quotes are from conference evaluations.