“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.’”

Matthew 9:37-38

At ChristLife, we have noticed an emerging sense of community among people serving on ChristLife teams—in parishes, small faith communities, young adult ministries, etc. We are part of something the Lord is doing to serve the Church’s essential mission. Many of you have joyfully witnessed the Lord using ChristLife to provide a relational evangelizing context for the conversion of many individuals and the transformation of your parish culture. 

Equally important, many people serving on ChristLife teams are personally experiencing ongoing transformation. To see lasting fruit in the lives of people we're serving, we ourselves must be continually transformed and converted more deeply as Jesus’ disciples.

ChristLife isn’t intended for new participants only, but also for those who serve them. Our Lord and the Church are calling us to be missionary disciples who in turn are making disciples on mission. We are experiencing the grace to live for Christ together and move outward in mission in the growing experience of community in our parishes and ministries.

We are called to serve at the level of the local Church where we live out our lives, but also to live with the reality of being part of the universal Church. We are part of something bigger the Holy Spirit is doing in our day. We ask you to pray that together we will be obedient to accomplish the work He gives us of being and making missionary disciples!

What do you think and sense the Lord doing among us? We'd love to hear from you!

Your brother in Jesus,

Dave Nodar