Our Impact Home | Our Impact Our Impact For almost 30 years, ChristLife has been on the front lines of evangelization. The Backstory Dave Nodar was inspired in the 1990s by Pope John Paul II’s writings about the New Evangelization. However, there was little available to teach Catholics how to do it. Dave and Leo Rudegeair met with the Archbishop of Baltimore, Cardinal William Keeler, about establishing a lay ministry to equip Catholics to evangelize. The Cardinal responded with enthusiasm and established ChristLife as an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1995. In 2009, after helping parishes to evangelize for over a decade, the ministry began developing the ChristLife Evangelization Process. Since then, we’ve partnered with parishes in the United States and internationally to offer the ChristLife Evangelization Process to help anyone to discover, follow and learn to share the Lord Jesus with others. THE CHRISTLIFE EFFECTThe Last 15 Years1400PARISHES12COUNTRIES47STATES230KPARTICIPANTSGet StartedParish Stories ST. LOUISIn It For The Long Haul “How do we reach the Christmas and Easter Catholics?” Msgr. Joseph Luca thought to himself. The answer came with ChristLife. Then the parish got creative! Keep Reading SACRED HEARTBilingual Blessings ChristLife unites communities! People at Sacred Heart parish who had seen each other for years were finally able to greet each other and establish a friendship. Keep Reading HOLY TRINITYA Vibrant New Community The pilot team took ChristLife for a “test drive” to critique it. They were transformed instead! The graces continued when they ran it for participants. Keep ReadingEndorsements BERT GHEZZI "ChristLife is the Lord’s gift to everyone whose heart is open to grace. I have watched the program’s courses gently move hundreds of people to give their lives to Christ, receive the Holy Spirit and his gifts, and decide to follow him. ChristLife is a leader among Catholic ministries dedicated to renewing the Church." DR. BERT GHEZZI Catholic Author DAN BURKE "There is no better evangelization program in the Church than ChristLife, nothing is even close." DAN BURKE Founder and President, Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation DR. MARY HEALY "ChristLife is actually helping ordinary Catholic parishioners encounter Jesus in a real and personal way. It's helping people take new steps on their journey with the Lord and ... equipping them to be evangelists; to go out and bring the Good News to others. ChristLife is one of the crucial things the Lord is doing today." DR. MARY HEALY Member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission DR. RALPH MARTIN "There is much talk about evangelization in the Church today, but ChristLife is actually doing something about it… I wholeheartedly recommend ChristLife and all the wonderful resources they have developed. " DR. RALPH MARTIN President, Renewal Ministries MOST REV. WILLIAM E. LORI "ChristLife is helping us here in Baltimore to discover once again the depth of the Lord’s love, the beauty of that love, and the urgency of this mission… We have a long way to go, but I can’t imagine getting there without ChristLife." MOST REV. WILLIAM E. LORI Archbishop of Baltimore, MD Participant Stories The Power of an Invitation Five years ago, I was sitting in Mass listening to someone give an invitation to Discovering Christ. I thought: “I’m a cradle Catholic, I go to church every week, put […] Keep Reading God Saved Me with a Wink This course started me down a path that has changed my life in every way. A path that brought me to the greatest blessing in my life: a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep Reading Atheist professor returns to the Church after 52 years Dr. Gloria Sampson, a linguistic professor who taught in Communist China, spent over half a century living as an atheist. She was raised Catholic, but left the faith in college and never looked back. Find out how a series of events culminating in a personal invitation to Discovering Christ changed everything. Keep Reading Read More StoriesSTART TODAY Get Your All Access Pass Picture this: Because of you, a person embraces Jesus as the center of their life. Gather a team and run ChristLife using our resources. Sign Up