ChristLife in Spanish Home | ChristLife in Spanish ChristLife in SpanishOffer in Spanish or Bilingually Bring ChristLife to your Hispanic community in a Spanish or bilingual setting! Our All Access Pass gives you translated materials for Discovering Christ and Following Christ. This includes the videos (with options for dubbing and subtitles) and all the guides. Get the All Access PassTalk to Our Point Person Carlos Castañeda has run ChristLife in Spanish and bilingual settings for years. He’s passionate about evangelization and he’ll help you engage your Hispanic community. Contact Carlos today. "*" indicates required fields Name*Email* Message*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ SACRED HEARTBilingual Blessings ChristLife unites communities! People at Sacred Heart parish who had seen each other for years were finally able to greet each other and establish a friendship. Keep ReadingSTART TODAY Get Our Spanish Resources The All Access Pass gives you everything you need to run Discovering Christ and Following Christ in Spanish. Sign Up